Nordic Energy Informatics Academy Conference 2025
20-22 August 2025, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
The Nordic Energy Informatics Academy Conference 2025 (EIA Nordic 2025) invites submissions of high-quality research, innovations, and case studies from academia and industry in the field of energy informatics. This global event offers an opportunity to explore cutting-edge advancements and sector-specific challenges at the intersection of energy systems and informatics, with a strong emphasis on their application across sectors.
EIA Nordic 2025 offers a platform for discussing internationally relevant research and the intersection of energy systems and informatics. The conference emphasizes collaboration between global and Nordic stakeholders, with a dedicated Nordic track highlighting region-specific innovations. The focus is on both energy and informatics domains, addressing technological advancements, data-driven insights, and system-level challenges that influence global and Nordic energy transitions.
Important Dates
11 May 2025
Paper Submission Deadline
9 June 2025
Acceptance Notification
8 July 2025
Camera-Ready Paper Due
18 July 2025
Registration Deadline
20-22 Aug. 2025
Conference Dates
Conference Themes
EIA Nordic 2025 explores a wide range of topics that go beyond energy systems, with a focus on technical innovations, data-driven insights, policy frameworks, and business models that influence both energy production and consumption across multiple sectors. These themes include but are not limited to:
International Research Themes
Smart Grids and Distributed Energy Resources: Data-driven optimization for energy distribution networks and integrated grid systems.
District Heating and Cooling: Leveraging simulations and business models to optimize energy networks for buildings and urban environments.
Electric Mobility and Sustainable Transportation: AI and informatics solutions for integrating electric vehicles, public transportation, and sustainable mobility services into smart energy networks.
Industrial Energy Efficiency and Smart Manufacturing: Informatics approaches to improving energy efficiency in industrial operations and integrating renewable energy.
Energy-Efficient Buildings and Infrastructure: Data analytics, IoT, and digital twins for optimizing energy use in buildings, urban infrastructure, and smart cities.
Energy Markets, Policy, and Business Models: Using informatics to shape business models and regulatory frameworks in global energy markets.
Sectoral Coupling: Informatics-driven approaches to linking energy systems with industry, transportation, and buildings for holistic energy optimization.
Energy Economics and Finance: Data analytics and financial modeling for forecasting energy markets and driving investments in sustainable solutions.
Big Data and Data Analytics for Cross-Sector Energy Optimization: Managing large datasets to optimize energy usage in transportation, industry, and urban systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sector Integration: AI for enhancing energy optimization across diverse sectors such as industry, transportation, and urban systems.
Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing for Energy and Sectors: Integrating IoT devices across sectors to enable seamless energy management and consumption forecasting.
Digital Twins, Simulation, and Modeling for Multi-Sector Optimization: Simulations to model and optimize energy use across sectors such as buildings, manufacturing, and transportation.
Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Data Protection: Ensuring the security of energy-related data across all sectors, from transportation to industry.
Information Systems and ICT for Cross-Sector Energy Transition: Developing robust ICT systems to manage the intersection of energy with transportation, industry, and other sectors.
Special Nordic Theme
The conference will include a dedicated Nordic track that focuses on the unique challenges and informatics-driven solutions in the Nordic region across multiple sectors. This theme will emphasize policy, technical innovations, and business models specific to the region’s industries and urban systems. Themes in this track include:
Nordic Smart Grids and Cold-Climate Energy Solutions: Managing smart grids with AI and data analytics across urban areas, industries, and transportation systems in cold climates.
District Heating and Sectoral Coupling in the Nordic Region: Informatics solutions for district heating and its integration with industrial processes, urban systems, and renewable energy.
Sustainable Urban Development and Nordic Cities: Leveraging IoT and data platforms to enhance energy efficiency in buildings, public transportation, and urban infrastructure.
Energy Efficiency in Nordic Industry and Buildings: AI and data-driven methods to improve energy performance in industrial and building sectors across the Nordic region.
Nordic Energy Markets and Policy Innovations: Modeling policies and business models that reflect the Nordic region’s emphasis on sustainability in industry, transportation, and urban systems.
Climate Adaptation and Resilience for Multi-Sector Energy Systems: Using informatics to adapt energy consumption and production in the face of climate challenges across transportation, industry, and urban sectors in the Nordic region.

The Accepted and presented papers* will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) proceedings volume.
Additionally, all accepted authors will be invited to submit an extended version** in a fast track of the Springer Open Journal - Energy Informatics
LNCS volumes are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; etc.
The journal - Energy Informatics are indexed in SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, ESCI/Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), DOAJ, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, ProQuest, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, EBSCO, Google Scholar
*Please note that the abstract papers will not be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) EI.A 2024 proceedings volumes, but will be made available on the conference webpage.
**Please note that the publication fees for the conference and the journal are separate expenses. The conference registration fee (350 euros) covers the cost of presenting your research, while the Journal publication fee pertains to the extended version of your paper and ensures its accessibility in the open-access format.

Submission guideline
Full papers (12-15 pages excluding references); Short papers (6-11 pages including references)
The paper submissions must follow the LNCS formatting guidelines.
All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process
All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process by a panel of at least three experts.

Email us if you have any questions regarding the conference
Please make your email title start with "EIA Nordic 2025-Related matter"
Email: contact@nordicenergyinformatics.academy